3 Important Things

02/24/2011 19:04

Hello All,
Here are a few upcoming items that need your attention!

1.First off, i'm not trying to be wishy-washy,  but I'm going to be wishy-washy -  we are going to scrap the last-minute idea I mentioned yesterday in class about going to the Saginaw Rodeo for Church this Sunday. After looking at the upcoming calendar, I feel like we need to meet together as one body this Sunday. The calendar gets a little crazy the next few weeks. (on March 6, John Jewell will be here and we may have several out the next two weekends that surround spring break). I also believe the message David has prepared for Sunday will be an important message for us, and it will address some of the conversations we have had in and out of class about how the Holy Spirit works in our lives today.  Not to mention, there is a chance of rain on Sunday. There is my dissertation as to why i have decided to change my stance - I hope that is okay with everyone!! : ) D'ann, Katie, and Kayla - Have fun w/o us and tell Bill we said Hi. Let me know if the opportunity arises again!

2. HS ONLY - LCU TRIP rescheduled for March 6-7 - Bring $ for 2 fast food meals! We will leave Sunday after church and return Monday evening - Send me an email if you plan to go so i can get a count! Thanks