Just some thoughts

06/08/2011 11:23

Importance of Parental Leadership

I am excited to see that the new elders installed last week all came from our current parents of the youth group.   I believe it is a testimony to the quality of people we have in our group.   I have always believed that strong youth groups come from strong leadership from among the parents, and that is what we have.   Not just those who have been selected, but all of our parents have played an important role in the life our youthgroup.   As Lance continues his ministry with our kids, may we continue to be a support for him and find ways to pass this kind of leadership on to the incoming parents of the youth group.   We need to be thinking of ways to mentor them and encourage them to be a part so that no one is ever feeling left out.  Be thinking of some ways that we can "pass the torch" so-to-speak, so that the group may always be strong. 
